LUXMAN Retail Price List

Luxman was created in 1925 when radio broadcasting started in Japan and has long offered its great acoustics to the audio world. Luxman has been highly rated both at home and abroad as an excellent brand for high quality audio products.
People are open to natural things, standing on guard against unnatural things. Natural sound free from artificial processing gives birth to an opportunity for intimate dialog between people and music.
The natural and genuine influence of music upon listener imagination forms the basis for Luxman to depend on in manufacturing its products. Musicians pour their passion in music while recording engineers record it precisely.
Luxman sincerely desires to fully reproduce the sounds and delicate tonal nuances involved, transmitting the spirit of the artists and the exciting atmosphere from concert sites to deliver music excitement as purely as possible.
At Luxman, we work for our products to deliver the passion of each music piece expressed by composers, players, and recording engineers to listeners, using Luxman enthusiasm with the same the level of zeal as artists and engineers. At the commemorable 80th anniversary of our foundation, Luxman is working to find further find excitement through excellent music and share the pleasure with clients and users.